
That's me. Welcome to my web lair (and homepage).

$ whoami

Hi my dude/dear lady, I'm Seb PetrĂ­k.
I've been in this space and time for quite a while, actually ?(calcYrsFromBirth("3.5.2001")) years.

I've been enjoying programming since I was a child ( I bought an Arduino and did some basic but (for me then) amazing stuff). Later I discovered Java and started learning it. I also love math though and I like programming mathematical algorithms as a hobby. Because of that, I spent a lot of time learning JavaScript ( because of CodingTrain ), so I'm quite good at back- and frontend too. I don't know which way I'll choose, but I enjoy both software engineering and computer science. Will see.

After somehow finding out that there is another programmer in our school (Plajdo), who also had been a Java programmer, we started to do some things together ( for example LibraryBookScanner project ).
Thanks to our amazing programming teacher, we together created a very small programming club, which was a base for our own organization - ShardBytes.

Currently I'm programming in Kotlin, Java, JS, C++ and Python.